Handcrafted ceramics

Contemporary handcrafted ceramics refer to Studio Pottery, a movement that, back in the 1950’s, uplifted crafted ceramics in a world that was starting to get crammed with mass-produced items.The ceramic artist typically carries out all manufacturing stages on his/her own, thereby making functional and non-functional wares that are one-of-a-kind.

My work is ideally connected to the Studio Pottery movement. My art is based on experimentation and research. Each result is not only a piece of ceramics, but a stepping stone in a journey that does not have a pre-set destination.


© 2015 Silviapotter di Decet Silvia - All Rights Reserved - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele 9 - 32030 Feltre - Belluno - P.I. IT01111600258